1 1 2 3 4 5 6 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING 7 LONE PINE ASSOCIATION, INC. 8 OUTDOOR BEACH MEETING 9 5070 INKSTER ROAD, 10 WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN 11 JUNE 24, 2020 12 7:04 p.m. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 1 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: 2 Bryan Shaver, President 3 John Parrottino, Vice President 4 Nikki Wilson, Treasurer 5 Michele Hepburn, Secretary 6 Carolyn Peters, Membership 7 Fred Wendell, Boat Chair (Not present) 8 Joe Lockwood, Boat Chair 9 Natalie Shaver, Beach Manager 10 Modathir Bougrine, Social Chair 11 Marilyn Maher, Membership Services 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3 1 PRESENT: 2 Matt Langan 3 Phyllis Schwartz 4 Tom Peters 5 Ara Topouzian 6 Jon Gable 7 Arice Choi 8 Bob Rogers 9 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Campanelli 10 H. Stafford 11 Val Murray 12 Steve Babcock 13 Keven Sorensen 14 Sally Widdett 15 Steve Widdett 16 Eric Beasley 17 Jane Lombardi 18 James Dara 19 Jen and Charlie Whitelaw 20 Scot Turnbull 21 Steve Balagna 22 Robert Singer 23 Ellin Callahan 24 Paul Curry 25 (Continued) 4 1 Linda Curry 2 Mark Karcher 3 Anne Pintar 4 Chuck Whitelaw 5 Sarah Jackson 6 Nancy Laport 7 Lauren and Angelo Buttazzoni 8 Susanne Guendelsberger 9 Jacquie Stephenson 10 Ron Graham 11 J.M. Bartnick 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 5 1 MR. SHAVER: Good evening. We have 7:04. 2 Welcome to tonight's meeting, a little different 3 location for this due to the circumstances. 4 So to start with, the first item is the 5 roll call, so we'll just go through, I'll call stock 6 numbers, if you're here -- 7 (All say cannot hear.) 8 MR. SHAVER: All right. We're going to do 9 a roll call, so if I call your stock number, please 10 tell us if you're present or not. This might take a 11 little bit of time, but we just need an accurate 12 count. 13 So stock number 1? Hettiarachchi? Not 14 present. Stock number 2, Stievator? Stock number 15 3, Cogswell? Stock number 4, Luby? Stock number 5, 16 Ersher? Stock number 6, Guan? Stock number 7, 17 Mousseau? Stock number 8 is Roulo with proxy for 18 Campanelli? Campanelli, Stock number 9? Lombardi? 19 A. Here. 20 MR. SHAVER: Stock number 10, Stefancin? 21 Stock number 11, Topouzian? 22 A. Here. 23 MR. SHAVER: Present. So this is the 6400 24 Westmoor address? 25 A. Yes, that's me. 6 1 MR. SHAVER: Thank you. 12, Griggs? 13, 2 Lannen? 14, Lupton? 15, Malachowski? 16, Bartley? 3 17, Buckley? 18, Kozerski? 19, Else? 20, 4 Pearlman? 21, Tower? 22, York? 23, Kassab? 24, 5 Danchy? 25, Wojtczak? 26, Bitar? 27, Sundholm? 6 28, Wriska? 19, Langan? 7 A. Here. 8 MR. SHAVER: Perfect. 30, Drelles? 31, 9 Loosvelt? 32, Weitzman? 33, Karcher? 10 A. Here. 11 MR. SHAVER: Present. 34, Hsu? 35, 12 Vilensky? 36, Cincotta? 37, Stender? 38, Cordes? 13 39, Finn? 40, Fiola? 41, Snedeker with a proxy? 14 A. Here. 15 MR. SHAVER: You're present. Okay. 42, 16 Kokotovic? 43, Johnstone? 44, Borquist? 45, 17 Braham? 46, Whitlaw, 6216 Darramoor? 18 A. Here. 19 MR. SHAVER: 47, Laport? 20 A. Here. 21 MR. SHAVER: Present. 48, Jarbou? 49, 22 Robertson with a proxy for Shaver? 50, Ahrens? 23 51, Pfaff? 24 A. Yes, here. Present. 25 MR. SHAVER: 52, Millar? 53, Moravek? 7 1 54, Shukar? 55, Rogers? 2 A. Here. 3 MR. SHAVER: Present. 56, Levin with a 4 proxy for Lockwood? 57, Levine? 58, Burnstein with 5 a proxy for Shaver? That was 58 for Bernstein. 59, 6 Margolis with a proxy for Shaver? 60, Stokas with a 7 proxy for Shaver? 61, Burke? 62, Kewley? 63, 8 Whitelaw? 9 A. Here. 10 MR. SHAVER: This is for the 6490? 11 A. Yes. 12 MR. SHAVER: Present. 6490. 64, Kifer? 13 65, Forrest? 66, Kunzman? 67, Kruggr? 68, Bright? 14 69, Mitchem? 70, Vidinas? 71, Jarbou? 72, Price? 15 73, Hentschel? 74, Liss? 74, Dodds? 76, Finkel? 16 77, Fikany? 78, Bouman? 79, Peters? 17 A. Present. 18 MR. SHAVER: Present. 80, Derry, proxy for 19 Wilson? 81, Else? 82, Dong? 83, Toll? 84, 20 Sussman? 85, Gould? 86, Myrold? 87, Albanese? 21 88, Feld? 89, Topouzan? 90, Kiberd? 91, Tamm? 22 92, Gable. 23 A. Here. 24 MR. SHAVER: Present. 93, Levin? 94, 25 Campanelli? 8 1 A. Here. 2 MR. SHAVER: Present. 95, Belotte? 96, 3 Rice? 97, Cuneaz? 98, Sills? 99, Selwa? 100, 4 McDonald? 101 Sorensen? 5 A. Here. 6 MR. SHAVER: Present. 102, Ismail? 103, 7 Elsharnoby? 104, Sagan? 105, Rohrer? 106, Dehner? 8 107, Hartman? 108, Cory? 109, Grant? 110, Kustra 9 with a proxy for Murray? 111, Vermeulen? 112, 10 Beasley? 11 A. Here. 12 MR. SHAVER: Thank you. Present. 113, 13 Graham? 114, Mira? 115, Murray? 14 A. Present. 15 MR. SHAVER: Present, thank you. 116, 16 Elkus? 117, Darboian? 118, Szezerba? 119, Shaw? 17 120, Jevahirian? 121, Jevahirian? 122, Watson? 18 123, Babcock? 19 A. Here. 20 MR. SHAVER: Thank you. Present. 124, 21 Rice? 125, Wright? 126, Miller? 127, Bastian? 22 128, Raznick? 129, Lipanovich? 130, Herr? 131, 23 Northway? 132, Schlagheck? 133, Darr? 134, 24 Bartush? 135, Horenstein? 136, Kantack? 137, 25 Drucker? 138, Kenmore? 139, Courtney? 140, 9 1 Brainard? 141, Buttazzoni? 142, Schacker? 2 A. Butazzoni's here. 3 MR. SHAVER: Buttazzoni's here? 4 A. Yeah. 5 MR. SHAVER: Okay. Thank you. 143, 6 Przybylo? 144, Kaufman? 145, Heckel? 146, Van 7 Sickle? 147, Greene? 148, Sangregorio? 149, Dara? 8 A. Here. 9 MR. SHAVER: Thank you. 150, Malviya? 151 10 Jackson? 11 A. Here. 12 MR. SHAVER: Present. Thank you. 152, 13 Hysell? 153, Rose? 154, Winter? 155, Coignet? 14 MR. BALAGNA: I have the proxy for my 15 neighbor. I gave it to -- 16 MR. SHAVER: To Marilyn? 17 MR. BALAGNA: Yeah. 18 MR. SHAVER: It's the proxy for you, Steve? 19 Proxy for Steve Balagna. The family name is 20 Coignet. 21 156 is Datta? 157 is Skynar? 158, Choi? 22 A. Present. 23 MR. SHAVER: Thank you. 159, Malvich? 24 160, Gappy? 161, Lash? 162, Fikany? 163, Thav? 25 164 Denha? 10 1 UNIDENTIFIED: How do you spell it? 2 MR. SHAVER: T-h-a-v. 3 164, Denha? 165, Singer? 4 A. Here. 5 MR. SHAVER: Present. Thank you, Bob. 6 166, Young? 167, Calkins? 168, Hain? 169, Hestor 7 with a proxy for Shaver. 170, Balagna? 8 A. Present. 9 MR. SHAVER: Present. 171, Alkamano? 172, 10 Stafford? 173, White with a proxy for Shaver? 174, 11 Cerroni? 175, Sekulovski? 176, Ong? 177, Van 12 Wordragen? 178, Scott? 179, Bartnick? 13 A. Here. 14 MR. SHAVER: Present. Thank you. 180, 15 Ghall? 181, Amster? 182, Lockwood? 16 A. Present. 17 MR. SHAVER: Present. 183, Dennis? 184, 18 Kertu? 185, Brow? 186, Ahmed? 187, Rouaud? 182, 19 Martell? 189, Megdall? 190, Burgess? 191, 20 Thompson? 192, Petersmarck with a proxy for Pfaff? 21 193, Harkey? 194, Guenther with a proxy for Shaver? 22 195, Vivian? 196, Vatel? 197, Stanaj? 198, Korn? 23 199, Mott? 200, Hinkson? 201, Parker? 202, 24 Vordermark? 203, Hajji? 25 204, Klein? 205 Peret? 206, Bliss with a proxy to 11 1 Shaver? 207, Roffey? 208, Bolton? 209, Widdett? 2 A. Here. 3 MR. SHAVER: 210, Carmack? 211, Marinescu? 4 212, Mali? 213, Howard? 214, Zehnder, proxy 5 Shaver? 215, Callahan? 6 A. Here, present. 7 MR. SHAVER: Thank you. 216, Meskouri? 8 217, Sandiha? 218, Cooper? 219, geoffrey? 220, 9 Becker? 221, Margolin? 222, Freedman? 223, Curry? 10 A. Present. 11 MR. SHAVER: Curry present? Thank you. 12 224, Grossman? 225, Albert? 226, Manning? 227, 13 Peters? 14 A. Present. 15 MR. SHAVER: 228, Wilson? 16 A. Present. 17 MR. SHAVER: Present. 229, Turnbull? 18 A. Here. 19 MR. SHAVER: Present. 230, Esshaki? 20 231, Mandell, proxy Shaver? 232 Schaffer? 233, 21 Kolinski? 234, Schwartz? 22 A. Present. 23 MR. SHAVER: Thank you, Schwartz. 236, 24 Griffith? 237, Winnett? 128, Loveland? 239, 25 Adelson? 240, Sekulov? 241, Hakim? 242, Pliska? 12 1 243, August, proxy Shaver? 244, Keller? 245, 2 Lockhart? 246, Wendell, proxy Peters? 247, 3 Stephenson? 4 A. Here. 5 MR. SHAVER: Present, thank you. 248, 6 Bentley? 249, Babiarz? 250, Hoffman? 251, Rosati? 7 252, Van Duyne? 253, Maher? 8 A. Here. 9 MR. SHAVER: Present. Thank you. 254, 10 Davidson? 255, Romano? 256, Garcia? 257, Semczak, 11 proxy Shaver? 258, Mekani? 259, Levinson? 260, 12 Jelinek? 261, Guendelsberger? 13 A. Present. 14 MR. SHAVER: Thank you. 262, Hepburn? 15 A. Here. 16 MR. SHAVER: Present. Thank you. 263, 17 Federov? 264, Ager?? 265, Gordon? 266, 18 Parrottino? 19 A. Present. 20 MR. SHAVER: Present. Thank you. 267, 21 Brodowsky? 268, Kozak? 269, Downing? 270, 22 Schwartz? 23 MRS. SCHWARTZ: Are there two? 24 MR. SHAVER: It says 270 is 4933 Malibu. 25 A. That's me. 13 1 MR. SHAVER: That's you. Okay. 271, 2 Cartier, proxy Shaver? 272, Dinger, proxy Shaver? 3 273, Carr? 274, Payne? 275, Stauffer? 276, 4 Gulyas? 5 277, Whitelam? 6 A. Present. 7 MR. SHAVER: Present. Thank you. 278, 8 Nemeth? 279, Theobald, proxy Shaver? 280, Carter? 9 281, Ghall? 282, Kallabat? 283, Pivoz? 284, 10 Groskind? 285, Felkins? 286, Wright? 287, Hughes? 11 288, Horsley? 289, Bean? 290, Bazzy? 291, Koepp? 12 292, Grewal? 293, Ghall? 294, Alfredo? 295, 13 Cohen, proxy Hepburn? 296, Ilyasov? 297, Gould? 14 298 Ilyasov? 299, Shaver, myself, present. 300, 15 Pintar? 16 A. Here. Present. 17 MR. SHAVER: Thank you. Did I miss anybody 18 that came in late? 19 (Applause.) 20 MR. SHAVER: Thank you. 63 members with a 21 proxy are present, so we have a quorum. 22 Just a reminder, I'll use the microphone to 23 talk to you guys, but if you do speak, try to speak 24 loudly. Andrea is going to try to record 25 everything. If I wave my hand and ask you to stop 14 1 it's because she can't hear you. 2 So the next item on the agenda is the 3 reading of the notice. Everybody recieved it in the 4 mail, so I can read it or we can have a motion to 5 approve it as written. 6 MR. DARRIN: Motion to approve. 7 MR. SHAVER: I'm sorry, I should have added 8 one thing. If you're called on to talk, state your 9 name so Andrea can record it. 10 MR. DARRIN: Jim Darrin. Motion to approve 11 it as written. 12 MRS. CALLAHAN: Ellen Callahan, second. 13 MR. SHAVER: There is a motion and a 14 second. All those in favor say aye? 15 (Aye.) 16 MR. SHAVER: All those opposed, nay? 17 (No response.) 18 MR. BOLOGNA: Are you talking about the 19 rules that recently came out? 20 MR. SHAVER: No, just for the meeting 21 notice for this meeting. That motion passes. 22 The next item on the agenda is the reading 23 of last year's minutes, 75 pages long, it's been on 24 the website since last summer. Is there another 25 motion to approve it as written? Val Murray? 15 1 MS. MURRAY: Motion to approve. 2 MR. SHAVER: Thank you. Is there a second? 3 MR. WILSON: Second. Adam Wilson. 4 MR. SHAVER: All those in favor of last 5 year's meeting minutes say aye. 6 (Aye.) 7 MR. SHAVER: All those opposed? 8 (No response.) 9 MR. SHAVER: Good, that one passed. All 10 right. 11 The next item on the agenda are the 12 reports. So this is a different year. As everybody 13 can see we have everybody spaced out here, we have 14 the mask on since the COVID-19 situation. There 15 were the temporary rules that were put in place as 16 the board -- when we said that was the best course 17 of action for the staff and the members. Hopefully, 18 it will be shorter rather than longer all season, 19 but we're going to continue to acknowledge them. 20 The next board will actually take that over at the 21 end of this meeting. If we can keep the questions 22 on that part to the operations when John gives his 23 report, we'll continue on to the treasurer's report 24 with Nikki on budget and balancing. 25 MRS. WILSON: Okay. So we don't have any 16 1 handouts this year as you can tell, but again, the 2 treasurer's report was posted on the website ahead 3 of the original planned meeting. 4 In total, we ended the year with a total 5 membership equity of $69,029.68. That is above our 6 plan because we did not complete the playground 7 improvements as you can see. But other than that, 8 we pretty much stayed right on track with our plan. 9 Our membership loss overall was just about $10,000. 10 Moving into our budget versus actual for 11 2019, again, overall we stayed within budget. 12 Things were pretty much working like a well-oiled 13 machine aside from our garbage bill going up pretty 14 significantly, and it continues to do so even this 15 year. But other than that, things were kind of as 16 planned. 17 This year's different. Obviously, we 18 didn't plan for COVID in the budget, so we did in 19 May as much as we knew when we posted the budget, 20 but we've since had to purchase additional things 21 and take care of improvements. So the budget's a 22 little bit tighter than what it was reported 23 initially on the website. So in general, we'll wait 24 for Michele to talk about the playground and for the 25 events, but we have a reduced plan temporarily for 17 1 that to keep within our budget. Also, for safety, 2 we eliminated all budget related to the Fourth of 3 July party and social events for this year. And 4 with that we have also assumed that we won't be 5 getting any guest fees. 6 So with that plan in mind, our intention is 7 to have actual cash on hand at 2020 at about 8 $40,000, which is what we consider to be our minimum 9 comfortable balance level, and then we can reassess 10 based on what happens over the rest of the summer 11 and the year what we do for the 2021 budget. 12 So with that, that's the summary. I'll 13 open it up for questions. 14 MR. BALAGNA: You have an assumption in 15 there of, like, 270 members will pay their dues. 16 Is it better than that? 17 MRS. WILSON: Yes. We'll get to that at 18 the membership, but we're better than that. The 270 19 was assumed a little bit lower due to COVID we did 20 reduce it down, but thankfully our membership has 21 been very good about paying. We have just a few in 22 arrears. Thank you. 23 Any other questions? All right. Bryan, 24 shall I pass it back to you? 25 MR. SHAVER: Moving on to other officers' 18 1 reports we'll go to John with operations. 2 MR. PARROTTINO: So I'll make mine rather 3 short. Obviously, this year is a unique year both 4 from a staffing perspective and with everything 5 going on with COVID. It's been pretty fluid as the 6 board followed the governor's recommendations and 7 tried to make everybody safe and feel safe and 8 secure. In a nutshell, we received some very good 9 positive feedback from the membership, and we 10 appreciate the efforts put forth in making them feel 11 a little more comfortable coming down to the beach. 12 The one thing I would like to say is guest 13 policy as it stands right now is we will be allowing 14 two guests to come down after the Fourth of July, so 15 July 5th, and obviously that can change with the 16 next board that's in place and any recommendations 17 that they want to put in place based on everybody's 18 membership or the membership recommendations. 19 One thing I would like to mention is the 20 staff is not responsible for the policies, it's the 21 board put those in place, so please take it easy on 22 the staff. I don't know if the folks that do cause 23 some problems are here tonight or not, but the 24 staff, you know, they're just enforcing what rules 25 are in place, so please be appreciative of them and 19 1 not give them much grief or any grief at all. 2 That's really the only thing that I have 3 with regards to beach operations. Obviously, swim 4 platforms and toys and things like that are reduced, 5 bathrooms are not available. You know, all the 6 stuff that would have been stated in the e-mail and 7 posted online. It's been sent out to the 8 membership. You folks probably got it and read it 9 already. So that's really all I have. 10 MR. BALAGNA: This is the question for my 11 neighbor whose proxy I have. She wondered why the 12 reduction from 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for closure. 13 Is that a staffing issue? 14 MRS. WILSON: It's a budget issue more than 15 a staffing issue. It was a way for us to ensure we 16 could have three staff members here when it's busy 17 to help everyone stay safe. Also, part of it is to 18 give the staff an opportunity to clean up while it's 19 still daylight. So those were the two plans in 20 mind. It doesn't mean we're going to keep it until 21 8:00 p.m. all summer long. We hope to open it up 22 later, but right now until we feel really 23 comfortable, like, we have fluid and good processes 24 in place, we're going to keep it at 8:00 and then 25 open it up once we're a little more comfortable. 20 1 MR. SNEDEKER: Yes. Kip Snedeker. Are the 2 other beaches following the same guidelines as us? 3 Because it appears they're open. 4 MRS. WILSON: Every beach is making their 5 own rules. We've also consulted each other for the 6 most part, but every beach is making their own 7 rules. We're really frankly stuck without 8 guidelines, but we are open. 9 MR. SNEDEKER: Yes, but are we the only 10 beach that isn't putting out chairs and the 11 bathroom's closed? 12 MRS. WILSON: No. I know of one other 13 beach that has the bathrooms closed and isn't 14 putting anything out. The beach isn't serving food. 15 I do hope that our insurance company -- from a 16 liability standpoint there is no coverage for COVID, 17 and it's truly an unprecedented time and that there 18 is not a good playbook. So what his recommendation 19 was was to limit the number of services that are 20 available. So you'll see the signs over there. So 21 the showers, the drinking fountains, anything that's 22 really community, if we have it open, we need to 23 sanitize it, and until we have a real sanitization 24 process in place we're comfortable with, we just 25 feel it's better to keep it for everybody. If we 21 1 can keep the beach open, but not have common 2 touching surfaces. 3 UNIDENTIFIED: (Unintelligible.) 4 MRS. WILSON: Yeah, we also follow 5 guidelines from Bloomfield Square, the one next 6 door. Yes, sir? State your name. 7 MR. GABLE: John Gable. I'm a little 8 surprised. What is the difference if it stops here 9 or the facilities were open, whether we are all 10 allowed to be on the beach I thought we all owned. 11 So I'm just a little perplexed. I could see if you 12 wanted the staff to leave at 8:00 as the reason. I 13 understand maybe if the staff wasn't ready to open 14 in time, I can see why facilities are closed. I 15 don't understand what's the right or I didn't know 16 as an owner we gave up the right to come down here 17 on our own and socially distanced. I don't recall 18 ever giving up that right in our bylaws, and if that 19 exists I know I'd like to make an adjustment to that 20 as an owner. 21 UNIDENTIFIED: I agree. 22 MRS. WILSON: There are times where we ask 23 owners not to be on the beach, and setting up this 24 tent would be one example of that. However, when 25 the beach is not open, it's because there is no 22 1 staff here. If the beach is officially open, staff 2 must be present. That doesn't mean you don't have 3 access to the beach. We do sell clickers, we have a 4 waiting list with two people on it currently, if you 5 don't have a day pass that does give you 24-hour 6 access to the beach. If you're referring to when we 7 were here preparing the beach to try to make it safe 8 and open, we didn't want members here just because 9 we were really concerned about the safety of our 10 staff. When we're not here and the beach is empty 11 and you feel you can be here safely and socially 12 distance, no one is saying you can't be here when 13 the beach is closed. And the clickers do give you 14 access. 15 UNIDENTIFIED: Right, right. But it's like 16 we did start up to be here during the month of May. 17 Things are still perplexing to me. 18 MRS. WILSON: Only when staff was present 19 or board members were present preparing the beach to 20 get open. It was for our own safety. Only during 21 those times when we were here. We're not out 22 policing the beach when we're not here preparing. 23 MR. KARCHER: As an owner, I'm very 24 displeased. I don't see how sitting six feet away 25 from people doing work is in any way a danger to 23 1 anybody's life. I just want to point out in saying 2 this stuff, not as somebody who doesn't respect 3 COVID-19, my household has a member of treating 4 COVID-19 patients (UNINTELLIGIBLE) -- in the last 12 5 weeks. So I'm just perplexed how anybody thought 6 they can restrict our rights to use our property. 7 If anybody else feels that way, I'd love to talk to 8 them. 9 MRS. WHITELAW: Jen Whitelaw. And I'm 10 wondering under what executive order are we 11 preventing people from coming onto our boats? 12 UNIDENTIFIED: Can you say that louder so 13 everyone can hear you, though? I think that's a 14 good point for everyone to hear. 15 MRS. WILSON: She's asking what executive 16 order is allowing us permission to prevent people 17 from going as guests on their boats. And should I 18 get this one? I'm not sure who should answer this 19 exactly. I don't think we're working under any 20 executive order. We're a private beach, and so we 21 were doing what we think was best for our members. 22 MRS. WHITELAW: I don't think your members 23 agree. 24 MR. SHAVER: In the bylaws it's the powers 25 given to the board, so you guys all elected us in 24 1 the last several years, and that concludes that the 2 board can protect the occupants of the grounds from 3 contagious diseases. And in this situation we have 4 a pandemic, which is a contagious disease, and 5 therefore, we have decided to have no guests. It's 6 in the bylaws. 7 MR. SNEDEKER: Kip Snedeker. What's the 8 difference in having a guest here and having a 9 member, what's the difference? You're not policing 10 every out pole. What's the difference? I'm taking 11 guests to my boat and not letting them lounge here 12 on the beach. It makes no sense. 13 MR. SHAVER: That may be to you, but then 14 what about people that don't have a boat? They 15 would have an unfair situation because they can't go 16 on a boat. 17 MR. SNEDEKER: It wouldn't make sense on 18 the beach either, but as long as you control the 19 crowds. And under governor's orders, what does it 20 matter? So I get that. 21 MR. SHAVER: Marilyn, please? 22 MRS. MAHER: Marilyn Maher. If I 23 understand some of your objections, you're objecting 24 to staying off the beach while people are cleaning 25 up? How many days was that? 25 1 (All say no.) 2 MR. BALAGNA: No. The objection is being 3 on the boats. 4 MS. MAHER: That's what I need to 5 understand. John Gable, you're the one that said 6 it. 7 MR. GABLE: People are objecting, they want 8 to obey social distancing rules on the property that 9 we own, and you're not letting us obey social 10 distancing rules on the property we own. You are 11 arbitrarily making up rules, even if we're obeying 12 social distancing. I just don't understand it. I 13 literally was sitting at the edge of the beach as I 14 always do. I've gotten yelled at in the past for 15 not socializing enough, which is ironic. What we're 16 objecting to, I think in general, whether it's the 17 beach or the boats, if you all want to properly 18 social distance, we're not nut cases, we respect the 19 disease. You're arbitrarily telling us we can't do 20 things even though we're socially distancing. It 21 makes no sense. And this is property we own. 22 MR. KARCHER: It goes beyond that, and I'm 23 going to actually -- 24 MR. SHAVER: Can you say your name, please? 25 MR. KARCHER: Mark Karcher. It goes beyond 26 1 that. I have to thank you guys, first of all, 2 because you're serving at a time that obviously, no 3 one was on the board the last pandemic, right? We 4 haven't had that. So there are obviously a lot of 5 emotions, we have a lot of feelings on both sides at 6 the end of the day, right? But at the end of the 7 day, we all have parents and loved ones and we have 8 this beach. And on top of what he's saying, I feel 9 he's 100 percent correct. But the interesting thing 10 is I don't know what type of expectations we have of 11 the board members here because I came here on the 12 7th and I had a similar experience. Just like 13 always, I came here, my ten-year-old daughter and 14 her girlfriend, I had to take the dog on the leash 15 right to the boat. They got to about there, 16 (indicating), and one of the staff came over and 17 said would you please check in. I said, absolutely, 18 I'll be there in a few minutes. She was polite, I 19 was polite. I came walking over, and our boat 20 chair, assistant boat chair, Mr. Wendell, 21 which I'm not even within 15 feet of him "where is 22 your mask?" I said "pardon me?" "Where is your 23 mask? You have to have a mask." I said "don't talk 24 to me." He said "what, do you want to get everybody 25 sick? Do you hear what the governor said? " And I 27 1 used some language, I said "get out of my face, I'm 2 here, they asked me to check in. I'm here to pay 3 for a guest." He chops in "there are no guests 4 allowed, didn't you read the rules?" "Well, I came 5 here to celebrate my wife's birthday with the 6 family. No, I did not see the e-mail." And you 7 think this is a club? You think this could have 8 been done in a nicer fashion? And by the way, 9 anything -- but he took it on. I didn't know if he 10 was assigned to be the mask police. And to put the 11 staff in that situation, no, the staff does not need 12 to deal with this. The staff is actually very 13 professional. I have been here since '96, and the 14 fact that the way he came out, the way he did it, 15 never cleaned it up, I got really hot. And the 16 crazy part is -- and I said "I'm out of here," and 17 I'm walking. I'm walking out. I turn around and 18 he's basically within this (indicating), "you're not 19 social distancing," he tells me. And I'm, like, 20 "you've got to be crazy." So he said he's going to 21 call the West Bloomfield police, I said "please do 22 it." Didn't do it. I mean, it was embarrassing, 23 and it set me off. And the more I've been thinking 24 about this, I respect everybody's rights here, but 25 I'll be damned if I'm going to come on strong. 28 1 And the fact that he did that and he's on the board 2 right now and he's actually going to be going for 3 another position, I assume, I can't imagine working 4 with somebody like that. So do you want to put the 5 board in another liability situation? That could 6 have escalated, totally unnecessary, and there were 7 other people that were here that witnessed it. So 8 there are a lot of things that need to be addressed. 9 This is our beach, right? We all have to work 10 together and figure this out. But it does seem like 11 a lot of decisions were being made. So I cannot 12 imagine that Fred should be serving on the board. 13 And I don't know if he was assigned to be the mask 14 police or not, but it was completely confrontational 15 and I don't appreciate it. 16 MR. PFAFF. I am Richard Pfaff. I have 17 something to say. I was accosted the same way by 18 this man except -- If I understand, the staff 19 totally agreed. But you're telling me that we're on 20 that boat in the middle of the lake and I'm 21 jeopardizing anyone? No one even walked up there 22 except for me to check in. I think it's ridiculous 23 that we cannot put a guest on our boat. 24 MR. KARCHER: And you're drawing an issue 25 -- 29 1 MR. PFAFF: And then for someone to walk up 2 to me and say "if you get COVID-19, don't come back 3 to me." That's exactly what he said. Like, who 4 would say that? We're all neighbors, we're supposed 5 to be friends and look out for each other. 6 MR. SHAVER: As John mentioned -- 7 MRS. BEASLEY: Dawn Beasley. I don't even 8 know Fred and I don't know what happened, but you 9 need to be 100-percent safe. You can't be on the 10 dock without a mask. 11 MR. KARCHER: Yes, I did. 12 MRS. BEASLEY: He was approached by you 13 without a mask while you F-bombed up and down this 14 beach screaming like a crazy person. I'm not saying 15 -- 16 MR. KARCHER: After the board member 17 escalated things. 18 MRS. BEASLEY: Own it. 19 MR. KARCHER: Own it? I put it in a 20 letter. I used my language. 21 MRS. BEASLEY: Okay. Share that with 22 everybody. 23 MR. KARCHER: I'll be happy to. Mark 24 Karcher. 25 MR. SHAVER: Mark, Hold on. The board is 30 1 investigating the situation. 2 MR. KARCHER: Nobody wants to hear it. 3 MRS. BEASLEY: No, I want you to share your 4 side. He's wrong, you're wrong. 5 MR. KARCHER: Listen, I said what I said. 6 MRS. BEASLEY: You're screaming in front of 7 a 19-year-old girl. Both of you, inappropriate. 8 MR. KARCHER: You know what the funny thing 9 is, I didn't have a mask because I was going to my 10 boat. I did not break the rules. I get that, but 11 the staff had me come in because he was basically, 12 telling people to say "go get them." 13 MRS. BEASLEY: I'm saying do not approach 14 without a mask. This whole thing, just say you're 15 sorry, he's sorry, and move on. It's done. You're 16 both wrong. You're both sorry, let's move on. 17 MR. SHAVER: As you know, Mark, the board 18 has been investigating. We have your witness list. 19 It took a couple of weeks so it's still ongoing, but 20 it is an open item for the new board to conclude the 21 investigation. It was supposed to be done by today, 22 but we'll just have to -- 23 UNIDENTIFIED: I understand, but the rules 24 say to wear a mask on the beach and I try to do it. 25 I have a boat, I totally understand about it. If we 31 1 get on your boat, take off your mask, you can enjoy 2 the lake -- (Unintelligible. Car noise.) 3 MR. KARCHER: Believe me, I understand the 4 rules and opening up business and opening to our 5 customers. 6 MR. SHAVER: Over here. (Indicating.) Val 7 Murray? 8 MRS. MURRAY: My name is Val Murray. I'm 9 here to say I just want to kind of cut through the 10 crap here. The rule is we have got a pandemic and 11 you have been asked to wear a mask. And if you come 12 down to the beach and you've been here since '96, 13 you know, the first thing you're supposed to do when 14 you come to the beach whether you come to your boat 15 or you come to the beach, you know, you go to the 16 desk and you respectively check in. One, to be 17 polite, and two, if you have a guest. And when you 18 have been asked to wear a mask and you know you need 19 to check in and approach a staff number and these 20 are young adults, they don't deserve any backlash. 21 You wear a mask and you go up and you do what's 22 right and then take your mask off on your boat. 23 MR. KARCHER: Excuse me. Mark Karcher. 24 And I'm going to say this one time. I was polite to 25 the staff -- Natalie -- excuse me. I was polite to 32 1 Natalie. I had never any strong words, I said I 2 apologize to them, she was the one that was seeking 3 the confrontation. All he had to do could have been 4 done in such a nicer manner, but no, he wanted to 5 seek the confrontation and you know what? He got 6 it. He got what he asked for and that's why this is 7 blowing up right now. So I apologize to all of you. 8 MR. SHAVER: There is a hand up over here. 9 (Indicating.) 10 UNIDENTIFIED: With all due respect, you're 11 still not wearing a mask. Where is your mask? 12 Put it on. 13 MRS. LOMBARDI: Where is your mask? 14 MR. KARCHER: Thank you, mask police. 15 UNIDENTIFIED: Yeah, I am. It's 16 ridiculous. It's real easy. 17 MR. SHAVER: There was a hand over here. 18 MR. BABCOCK: Steve Babcock. Bryan, just 19 one clarification. Are children over 13 -- we need 20 to check them in, right? 21 MR. SHAVER: Yes. 22 MR. BABCOCK: Do we need to stay here with 23 them? 24 MR. SHAVER: No. 25 MRS. WILSON: No. 33 1 MR. BABCOCK: Okay. 2 MR. SHAVER: Up here in the front. Say 3 your name. 4 MRS. LOMBARDI: Janet Lombardi. Anyone it 5 says 12 and older can be here on the beach by 6 themselves, correct? 7 MRS. WILSON: Once they're checked in by a 8 member, yes. 9 MRS. LOMBARDI: So a 12-year-old can be 10 here by themselves on the beach and swim in the 11 water by themselves, that's the rule? 12 MRS. WILSON: If the parents feel the child 13 is old enough, that's what the rule states, yes. 14 MRS. LOMBARDI: Pardon? 15 MRS. WILSON: If the parents vouch for the 16 child and say yes, the child can come, then yes. 17 That's what the rule states. 18 MRS. HEPBURN: I'd like to also state in 19 the past years, 12 year olds and up were allowed to 20 come to the beach without their parents even 21 checking them in. So the difference we made this 22 year was that we're asking the parents to come and 23 check them in and verify for them that they're okay 24 to be on the beach by themselves and then they can 25 leave. That's the only amendment we made to that 34 1 rule. Prior to this year, 12 year olds and up were 2 allowed on the beach without a parent. 3 MRS. LOMBARDI: Then nobody's really 4 responsible for them once the parent leaves; they're 5 responsible for themselves? That's a child. 6 MRS. WILSON: Ultimately, the members are 7 responsible. 8 MRS. LOMBARDI: Well, they're not here. 9 MRS. HEPBURN: Well, if the membership has 10 an issue with sending their 12-year-old children and 11 above up without anybody being responseible, please 12 bring that up to the board and we can address that 13 and amend that in the rule. But as long as I have 14 been a member of this beach, that has been the rule. 15 So the only thing we did to amend it for this year 16 was to make sure the parents are checking them in 17 and saying we're giving our child permission to be 18 on the beach and we assume they're going to be 19 social distancing. And if not, the staff has the 20 right to ask them to leave. That's why we're 21 asking the parents to sign them in this year. 22 But, again, if we feel that 12 year olds should not 23 be on the beach without adult accompaniment, then 24 bring that issue up and we can address it and we can 25 amend the rules accordingly. 35 1 MR. SORENSON: Are there any healthcare 2 professionals on the board? 3 MR. SHAVER: No. 4 MR. SORENSON: So where are you getting 5 your advice in this pandemic? Are you leaning on 6 any healthcare professionals at all for -- 7 MRS. WILSON: I'll take this one. So I 8 personally did a lot of due diligence and I can 9 speak for the whole board. All of us did, we all 10 consulted, we all have healthcare professionals in 11 our life for sure. As I mentioned earlier, I 12 consulted our insurance company first and foremost, 13 I got his guidance on what we should and should not 14 do. In fact, it was our insurance agency 15 specifically that gave us the guidance that allowed 16 us to feel comfortable enough to open up the beach 17 with these temporary rules and restrictions that 18 were put in place. We're also looking at Oakland 19 County parks and recreations, we've looked at metro 20 parks for example because they have swimming and 21 they have a lake, so we looked at them. They do 22 have limited bathrooms open. We don't have a 23 sanitation process that we're comfortable with 24 completely in place to open the bathrooms except for 25 staff, but it's something we're trying to work 36 1 toward. 2 As Bryan stated a few times, when the new 3 board is in place, we will make rules from that 4 point forward and can adjust them as we feel 5 comfortable. We're all learning a lot. Every day 6 the news is hitting us with a ton of information. 7 When we wrote those rules a couple of weeks ago or I 8 don't know, every day feels like Tuesday to me. But 9 when we wrote those rules, we all have new 10 information now than we had then. So we would love 11 to have a healthcare member on the board, we'd love 12 to have an accountant on the board, an attorney on 13 the board because we could use all of those right 14 now. Go ahead. 15 MR. SORENSON: So it sounds like your 16 concern is more from a liability standpoint and not 17 from a safety standpoint; is that right? 18 MRS. WILSON: No, it's from a safety 19 standpoint first and foremost, absolutely. 20 MR. SORENSON: Well, you said you talked to 21 your insurance carrier. 22 MRS. WILSON: That's right. I'm also 23 concerned with liability. Absolutely. As a 24 treasurer, I have to think about liability. 25 MR. SORENSON: But safety should be 37 1 paramount. 2 MRS. WILSON: Absolutely, but safety is 3 always first. Safety first. 4 MR. SHAVER: Right here. 5 MR. BARTNICK: J.M. Bartnick. Did the 6 board consider possibly maybe investing in those 7 heat guns that shoot your forehead? 8 MRS. WILSON: We have those and we are 9 using them. 10 MR. BARTNICK: You're using them? 11 MRS. WILSON: If you've been to the beach 12 and havn't been temperature checked before entering, 13 then that is a problem and we'll address it with the 14 management staff. Make sure it happens. That is a 15 requirement. You should be interviewed and 16 temperature checked. 17 MRS. GABLE: My name's Stacy Gable. I'm an 18 infectious disease nurse practitioner and I have to 19 say I don't agree with a lot of these rules and I'm 20 treating these patients. I've been, like, front and 21 center since this all started. 22 I mean parks are open and our swing set's 23 roped off. The governor opened up beaches a long 24 time ago, and people are allowed to go to the beach, 25 they're allowed to swim. You can get on your boat. 38 1 It's up to you as an individual if you don't feel 2 safe bringing your friends on your boat, not to 3 bring your friends on the boat. Like, you shouldn't 4 be able to tell me I can't come down here with my 5 friends' daughter if I feel safe having her in my 6 home. If you come to the beach and you feel there 7 are too many people for yourself, then you should 8 leave is how I kind of feel about it. Like, the 9 virus isn't living on chairs. The chairs should be 10 out. 11 (Applause.) 12 MRS. WILSON: We know a lot more now -- 13 MRS. GABLE: Rules weren't even followed 14 when the beach opened. Like, she opened up beaches 15 long before our beach was allowed, the staff was 16 cleaning and whatnot. I came down here multiple 17 times, one day I'm allowed to stay, the next day I'm 18 not. It's truly dependent on who was working and 19 who was down here. 20 MR. SHAVER: Over here. (Indicating.) 21 MRS. LAPORT: Nancy Laport. I wanted to 22 say I don't agree with everything. I don't think 23 any of us agrees with everything, any policy, any 24 workplace, anything. I do want to say thank you to 25 the board for attempting to come up with something 39 1 that will please most of us most of the time. 2 (Applause.) 3 MRS. LAPORT: Including us professionals 4 and all of this; and my husband also has a company 5 and he's been working hard on how to open and it's a 6 crapshoot every day. So thank you for doing the 7 best you can. 8 MRS. WILSON: Thank you. 9 (Applause.) 10 MRS. LOMBARDI: Janet Lombardi. I'm 11 concerned about your comment that you said that 12 you're supposed to be taking people's temperatures 13 when they come in. First of all, I have a question: 14 Are you logging those temperatures; asking those 15 people if they have symptoms, asking if they've been 16 -- because just taking -- 17 MRS. WILSON: We're not logging the 18 temperatures, but there are a list of questions 19 you're suppose to ask prior to -- 20 MRS. LOMBARDI: But you're saying supposed 21 to -- 22 MRS. WILSON: I'm just learning just now in 23 this meeting that maybe it's not happening every 24 time. 25 MRS. LOMBARDI: I mean, it concerns me 40 1 because whoever is sitting at the desk forever, and 2 I have been a member at the beach for 60-some years 3 here, or at the beach for 60-some years. It depends 4 on who's sitting at that desk whether you get asked 5 to sign in, whether you get anything. And if rules 6 are going to be put in place, I expect them to be 7 followed 100 percent. If you expect us to follow 8 the rules, I expect them to be followed by the 9 staff, regardless of their age, regardless of how 10 old they are, regardless if they're not able to deal 11 with adults. If they can't deal with adults, I'm 12 not sure that's the person. So if you're taking 13 someone's temperature and if you do research on 14 temperature taking -- I happen to be a public health 15 nurse, I'm in the throes of the COVID epidemic. 16 Okay. You have to read the signs. If you're going 17 to take a temperature and someone comes in in the 18 heat, in the temperature and they're carrying 19 everything and it's 90-some degrees, that 20 temperature is not going to be accurate. They need 21 to be asked, have you had symptoms? Have you been 22 exposed? I mean, just taking a temperature outside 23 in the sun when somebody just gets out doesn't tell 24 us anything. Read in regards to what people, the 25 science regarding taking the temperature. And I do 41 1 think it needs to be logged in. If you're going to 2 do something, you need to take the person's name, it 3 needs to be logged in, their temperature. 4 MR. SHAVER: We're not going to keep 5 logging everything. I mean, just listen here, there 6 is a wide variety of what people want. Some people 7 like the rules, some people want more rules, some 8 people don't want any rules. Ultimately, the power 9 was vested in the board to make the decisions. This 10 is a volunteer board. In this current situation 11 this is what we decided to implement. At election 12 there will be a new board, the new board can decide 13 what they want to do starting tomorrow. As of 14 today, this is what this board felt comfortable 15 with. One more comment. 16 MR. PETERS: Tom Peters. Relative to 17 taking temperatures, don't these devices take core 18 temperatures so it doesn't matter what the ambient 19 temperature is? 20 UNIDENTIFIED: Right. 21 MR. PETERS: Isn't that the correct 22 technology? 23 MRS. LAPORT: It doesn't have to do with 24 that. It has to do with that if you're carrying a 25 bunch of heavy things -- 42 1 UNIDENTIFIED: It doesn't impact it. 2 MRS. LAPORT: But if you read the research, 3 the reason that so many -- 4 MR. SHAVER: Under the current situation 5 this is what we're doing with this volunteer board. 6 At the end of the night the new board can decide 7 what they want to do going forward. 8 I think we have beat this one to death. So 9 last comment from Mrs. Laport. 10 MRS. LAPORT: Thank you. Nancy Laport 11 again. The new board maybe wants to consider to 12 have a committee of health experts and work this out 13 instead of all about yammering with what we read in 14 today's paper. 15 MR. SHAVER: Thank you. Let's continue on 16 to the next officer report being boat. Joe 17 Lockwood? 18 MR. LOCKWOOD: So we were a little late 19 getting the docks in, and I heard from several of 20 you, thank you. So it was due to COVID. I think 21 another consideration that we can take in as the new 22 boat chairs elected taking on several bids from 23 other resources. I do believe they were in late. 24 The boat docks got in a little bit late. 25 We don't have that problem now, we have most boats 43 1 put in. There was some movement this year, but for 2 the most part we have everything in. The pram spot, 3 that's been cleaned up pretty good. I think 4 otherwise the COVID stuff just to touch on, yeah, we 5 try, you guys, we're not going to be perfect, we're 6 not going to be able to satisfy everybody, but we're 7 going to try. And this will be my last day on the 8 board, so I'm kind of grateful for that. And that 9 will wrap it up. 10 (Laughter.) 11 MR. SHAVER: Any questions? 12 MR. BALAGNA: Steve Balagna. I just want 13 to state for the record that because of COVID this 14 year I gave up my pram spot for this summer, and I 15 notice somebody else has a kayak in it, so it's all 16 good. Thank you. 17 MR. SHAVER: Okay. Good. 18 MR. BALAGNA: For this summer only. 19 MR. SHAVER: Any other questions, otherwise 20 we'll move to Carolyn on membership. 21 MRS. PETERS: So in terms of membership, 22 we're doing really quite well. I want to first of 23 all say I apologize to all you people who sent in 24 your payments and it never came to the post office 25 or it didn't come for 30 days. We have had a lot of 44 1 problems with the post office. I went there every 2 day, basically since things have gone out, to check 3 the mail, and many days there was absolutely nothing 4 and then I would go there one day and there would be 5 100 things. So I have tried to e-mail everyone with 6 questions, problems and concerns, and hopefully I 7 can answer them all. 8 So as of today we have only 18 people who 9 have not paid, and we have two people who will be -- 10 or two stockholders who will be losing their 11 privileges due to lack of payment. They have 12 received certified letters over a month ago and now 13 those two stockholder numbers will go back to 14 renters who have been renting consecutively, and 15 they will be given an offer formally by Marilyn 16 Maher's accounting group. And there are four offers 17 that are still pending right now. 18 So that is really the state of membership 19 right now, so we're actually doing quite well. Our 20 staff has a Square down here, so if ever there is a 21 member who has some payment of some sort, whether 22 it's a pram rental or some other fees, typically, 23 they can look at it. We have given the staff a 24 Google doc now that they have access to that shows 25 all members, whether their status is green, which 45 1 means all your paperwork is in, your registrations, 2 waivers, everything is in, there is nothing missing, 3 and we know all of the members in your household 4 that actually live with you. 5 So I have tried to be as helpful as I can 6 with that, and if there are any suggestions on other 7 things that membership can do, please e-mail me and 8 let me know and I'd be happy to work on that, okay? 9 MR. PFAFF: Richard Pfaff. So if the 10 membership is not paid is it sold? 11 MRS. PETERS: No, it's not. If a 12 membership is more than two years in arrears, we 13 send that home -- that stockholder a letter. In 14 fact, anyone who has not paid gets a letter that 15 says in case you have mailed in your payment and it 16 hasn't arrived, we send them another one as a 17 reminder. We try to send as many reminders as we 18 can. But after two years as it states in the 19 bylaws, if you're more than that in arrears you get 20 a certified letter that has to be signed for that, 21 states your membership may be terminated unless you 22 immediately pay all of your money that is in arrears 23 in order to maintain your stock ownership. So we 24 spent a lot of time trying to hunt people down 25 because sometimes they move -- we have had people 46 1 move as far away as New York, we have people that 2 rent their privileges. So we really spend an awful 3 lot of time with this paperwork trying to be sure 4 that no one loses their privileges unnecessarily. 5 So I have had a lot of things returned as 6 undeliverable. I try and then do a research to find 7 out if these people are still alive or if they still 8 own the property or if it has been sold. So no one 9 loses their privileges unwittingly, we really do 10 spend an awful lot of time. That's why it takes so 11 long. 12 MR. SHAVER: Any other questions on 13 membership? Moving on to other reports. Michele, 14 playground. 15 MRS. HEPBURN: Okay. So last year the 16 membership voted to spend up to $17,000 on phase I 17 of replacing our playground equipment, most 18 specifically the swings because they are considered 19 hazardous. We had the permit in process with West 20 Bloomfield Township last summer and we did not pass 21 the second round of permitting due to a new wetland 22 area that has appeared on the beach, so now we have 23 to have a greater setback. 24 The current swing set doesn't meet current 25 West Bloomfield Township guidelines, we cannot 47 1 grandfather them in, so we have to move everything 2 back. As a result, we had to go back to the drawing 3 board and make the whole playground, which was 4 proposed last year, a bit smaller to fit within the 5 guidelines that the township is requesting of us. 6 So it took us a little while to get that done. We 7 got things resubmitted for new permitting and then 8 COVID happened and the township shut down. 9 So they just re-opened. I have been 10 talking to them the past couple of weeks, so we're 11 in the process of getting the new permits passed so 12 that we could put a deposit down on the swing 13 structure. It will be a two-bay swing structure 14 instead of a three that we proposed last year, so 15 that means four swings instead of six. And 16 hopefully by the end of this season we can get that 17 in. A lot of it's just dependent on how quickly 18 West Bloomfield Township works with their permitting 19 process. 20 Up to date we have spent about $7,400 21 between the permit and the swing structure itself. 22 We'll probably need to spend about another $3,000 23 give or take to complete the swing structure, so 24 that leaves us with anywhere from 3-to 5,000 left 25 over of the 17,000, that due to our circumstances 48 1 this year as we mentioned, we agreed to put back 2 into the general fund for this year so that we can 3 have some extra money for any supplies or anything 4 due to the COVID situation. 5 So we are now proposing that next year we 6 will vote on continuing with phase II unless anybody 7 has any questions or issues we have just kind of 8 tabled things until we get through this COVID 9 situation. Yes? 10 UNIDENTIFIED: (Unintelligible.) 11 MRS. HEPBURN: No, the swing structure 12 itself cost about 5,000, and we have put out about 13 $9,000 in terms of permitting and the engineering 14 company we have had to come out and do all the 15 things that West Bloomfield Township required of us. 16 MRS. WILSON: We spent $7,600 so far total. 17 UNIDENTIFIED: (Unintelligible.) 18 MRS. HEPBURN: Well, last year we went 19 through the whole playground proposal. The swings 20 are considered hazardous. Several members asked us 21 to investigate replacing the play structure and 22 replacing the swings, which we did. We proposed it 23 last year, the membership approved up to $17,000 to 24 spend on updating any of the equipment. And as I 25 said, the current -- the permitting stuff cost us 49 1 about, like, $6,000 and the swing set itself is 2 about between 4 and 5,000. About $12,000 when it's 3 done. But we don't have to pay any additional 4 permitting fees if we can get the permits done for 5 both phase I and II. So should we approve going 6 forward with preparing any of the playground for 7 phase II? The permitting is already taken care of, 8 there is no additional cost for permitting going 9 into phase II. 10 MR. SHAVER: In the back? 11 MR. BALAGNA: I have been on the board 12 three times, I have been a member of the beach for 13 over 30 years. The problem with this is we're all 14 resident owners of Bloomfield Township, we live in 15 Bloomfield Township, the beach is in West Bloomfield 16 Township, they don't give a damn, they're going to 17 take as much money as they can from us. That's the 18 problem. 19 MRS. LOMBARDI: Janet Lombardi. Does that 20 money, the costs that you said, does that include 21 the price -- because I know you talked last year 22 about the cost of taking the swing set down. That's 23 included in what you said? 24 MRS. HEPBURN: Yes. 25 MRS. LOMBARDI: And I could be wrong that 50 1 last year I thought you said people wanted it down 2 sooner rather than later because it's a liability, 3 but it's still here. 4 MRS. HEPBURN: Well, it's most cost 5 effective to have the company that's putting up this 6 new structure take down the old, so it's all going 7 to happen at the same time. If somebody wants to 8 volunteer to take it down and haul it out of here 9 themselves, they're more than welcome to do that. 10 MRS. LOMBARDI: So that's included. Thank 11 you. Appreciate it. 12 MR. SHAVER: Okay. Moving forward, social 13 committee: Heather Mott's been doing it for a 14 couple of years, Modathir has volunteered to do it 15 this year. Unfortunately, with the current 16 situation, we cancelled everything, so there is no 17 social committee report this year. And the last 18 committee is Val Murray has spent a lot of time 19 doing all the plantings, so I want to thank her for 20 all the time and effort. 21 (Applause.) 22 MR. SHAVER: One more question. 23 MR. BALAGNA: Are we having the fireworks 24 or not? I didn't get that. 25 MR. SHAVER: Sorry, yes. The lake is going 51 1 to have the fireworks, but they moved it to Friday 2 night, July 3rd. 3 MR. BALAGNA: Okay. 4 MR. SHAVER: And the fireworks will happen 5 Friday around dusk, 9:30, 10:00. 6 Moving on to the next fun topic, election 7 for next year. So currently we have six open 8 positions, so we have two one-year terms to fill in 9 for people that have resigned. One two-year term, 10 and three full 3-year terms. 11 So we'll start with taking nominations. So 12 everybody, you can nominate yourself or somebody 13 else that's here. 14 MR. SHAVER: We're going to go by the three 15 classes. First of all, we're going to start with 16 the two one-year terms. We'll take nominations. 17 One question back there. So Carolyn, go ahead. 18 MRS. PETERS: I would like to volunteer for 19 an additional one-year term because there is such a 20 huge turnover in the board membership this year, to 21 mentor someone and to be membership chair because of 22 all of the things that need to be done. And I have 23 been membership chair for many years, and so that's 24 why I'm volunteering for one year. 25 UNIDENTIFIED: Can't hear you, sorry. 52 1 MRS. PETERS: So I am volunteering to stay 2 on the board for an additional year to fill one of 3 the one-year positions in order to mentor a new 4 membership chair so they will understand all that 5 goes into being membership chair and the 6 responsibilities. 7 MR. SHAVER: Thank you, Carolyn. 8 MR. BALAGNA: Steve Balagna. I volunteer 9 also for a one year. I understand there is two, a 10 one-year position on the board. The project I'd 11 like to work on, not as an attorney or a 12 stockholder, are the bylaws. One of my questions is 13 how many people here would have rather had this 14 meeting virtually and should we put that in the 15 bylaws? 16 (Some raised hands.) 17 MR. SHAVER: Thank you, Steve. Any more 18 volunteers or nominations for the one-year term? 19 Mark? 20 MR. KARCHER: Mark Karcher. The one-year 21 term. 22 MR. SHAVER: For the one-year term or 23 longer term? 24 MR. KARCHER: One year and I may volunteer 25 for others as well. 53 1 MR. SHAVER: So we have three candidates 2 for the three positions. Anyone else interested in 3 one of the one-year terms? 4 (No response.) 5 MR. SHAVER: Okay. Voting is going to be 6 interesting. I think Marty joined, so we now have 7 64 people here. So it's majority vote for the three 8 people. The two with the two highest vote totals 9 would be the two to fill those positions. How do we 10 do this? So everybody has essentially two votes for 11 the two positions and we'll start with all those 12 that would like to vote for Carolyn Peters for one 13 of the one-year terms say aye. 14 (Some say aye.) 15 MR. SHAVER: There is quite a few. 16 MR. BALAGNA: I have two hands up because I 17 have a proxy. 18 MR. SHAVER: You have a proxy. Okay. So 19 that one would pass as one of the two. 20 The second volunteer was Steve Balagna, so 21 all those in favor of having Steve on one of those 22 one-year terms please raise your hand. 23 (Some raised hands.) 24 MR. SHAVER: So we passed the majority 25 again. So those are the two, and the final one for 54 1 Mark Karcher. Anybody that has not voted twice can 2 vote now for Mark Karcher please raise their hand. 3 (Some raised hands.) 4 MR. SHAVER: So it makes sense at the 5 moment for the two one-year positions is Carolyn 6 Peters and Steve Balagna. Thank you guys for all 7 volunteering. 8 Next open is one two-year term, and we'll 9 take any nominations for those positions. 10 MRS. WILSON: I would volunteer for a 11 two-year term to help as well. But if you're a 12 volunteer, go ahead. 13 MR. KARCHER: Mark Karcher. I volunteer. 14 For a two-year term. 15 MR. SHAVER: So we have Mark Karcher. 16 MRS. WILSON: I'll be in for the two-year 17 and then -- 18 MR. WILSON: What's the position? 19 MR. SHAVER: So just for clarification, the 20 question is from Adam Wilson, what are the 21 positions. So the board is comprised of seven 22 members that volunteer, and those seven members get 23 together and decide amongst themselves who does what 24 role. So you're actually just volunteering to be on 25 the board and it's not for a specific position. 55 1 Yes? 2 MRS. LAPORT: Maybe I missed it online or 3 something. Who is leaving the board? Or I guess 4 it's easier to say who's staying. 5 MR. SHAVER: So right now Michele has two 6 years left -- 7 MRS. HEPBURN: And that's it. 8 MR. SHAVER: And that's it. And everybody 9 else is on expired term. Then Carolyn just got 10 re-elected, so she'll remain for another year, but 11 she was on an expired term. 12 So for the -- any more volunteers? Sorry. 13 So we got a majority vote. Mark, all those in favor 14 of having Mark as a two-year term please raise your 15 hand. 16 (Some raised hands.) 17 MR. SHAVER: Mark, are you voting for 18 yourself? 19 MR. KARCHER: Sorry. 33, so that passes. 20 But let's make sure. All those in favor of Nikki? 21 (Some raised hands.) 22 MR. SHAVER: 29. So Mark is on it as a 23 two-year term. Thank you for volunteering. Okay. 24 Now we need three volunteers for a 3-year term. 25 UNIDENTIFIED: I nominate Richard Pfaff. 56 1 MR. SHAVER: Richard Pfaff. Do you accept? 2 MR. PFAFF: I accept. 3 MRS. PETERS: I nominate Kip Snedeker. 4 MR. SHAVER: Kip? I'll nominate Nikki 5 Wilson. 6 MRS. WILSON: I'll accept your nomination. 7 UNIDENTIFIED: I nominate Charlie Whitelaw. 8 MR. SHAVER: Charlie Whitelaw. Four. 9 Anymore volunteers? 10 (No response.) 11 MR. SHAVER: All right. Then we'll do one 12 at a time. So the first one was Richard Pfaff. 13 MRS. LAPORT: Can they show who they are? 14 MR. SHAVER: Sure. Richard, can you stand 15 up? Richard, if you want to give a quick 16 introduction of yourself? 17 MR. PFAFF: So the reason I volunteered is 18 because I spoke to Joe, and -- I'm sorry, I want to 19 make sure everyone can hear me. But my entire 20 college career I worked in a marina, so we put docks 21 in and out for people, launched boats, took care of 22 them. Really that's the sort of position I'd like 23 to have. Really, I have helped many people with 24 their boats over the years. I have launched my boat 25 for eight years straight coming out here. You'll 57 1 see me on my boat every weekend. I like being 2 involved in it and so to me that would be a good 3 position and I'd like to help the board out -- 4 MRS. WILSON: You guys probably know me by 5 now, I'm Nikki Wilson. I'm volunteering for the 6 same reasons Carolyn said. That said, I've never 7 been on a meeting where we have had more people 8 volunteering than spots to fill. The reason I came 9 on the board is because I wanted to go home and eat 10 dinner and no one would stand up and volunteer. So 11 that said, I mean, I'm happy to volunteer and I'm 12 still going to help no matter what. But I love that 13 we have help and I know with the bylaws part of the 14 goal is the previous board was to try to get more 15 board members, so I'd actually like to withdraw my 16 nomination officially and let this happen. We need 17 more help and I'm still going to be here. 18 MR. SHAVER: -- thank you. Kip, do you 19 want to do an introduction? 20 MR. SNEDEKER: I'm Kip Snedeker, I have 21 been here since 2002. I have five kids, so I have a 22 lot of time on my hands. But I'd like to help in 23 any way I can. I work for a bank. I can help with 24 some treasury. 25 MR. SHAVER: Maybe come forward. 58 1 MR. WHITELAW: Charles Whitelaw. I have 2 been a member since 2005, general contractor, bunch 3 of kids. I'd like to help out. 4 MR. SHAVER: Okay. 5 MR. BALAGNA: How many positions are open? 6 MR. SHAVER: Three opening, three people 7 nominated. So let's do it one at a time. So the 8 first one was Richard. All in favor of Richard 9 joining the board. 10 (Some raised hands.) 11 MR. SHAVER: That passes. Charles next. 12 All those in favor of Charles raise your hands. 13 (Some raised hands.) 14 MR. SHAVER: That also passes. And Kip 15 Snedeker. All those in favor? 16 (Some raised hands.) 17 MR. SHAVER: That also passes with the 18 majority. Thank you guys for all volunteering. 19 (Applause.) 20 MR. SHAVER: All right. Any new business 21 that anybody wants to bring up? John Gable? 22 MR. GABLE: John Gable. I heard that we 23 can get on the beach with our clicker even if there 24 is no staff here; is that correct? 25 MRS. WILSON: Yeah, if the beach is closed 59 1 as a member you still have access, you just need to 2 buy a clicker so you can have access. 3 MR. GABLE: So that problem won't happen 4 again? 5 MRS. WILSON: If you were here when people 6 weren't here to try to get the beach ready, it was 7 out of fear and safety concerns. That said, that is 8 not operating procedure. 9 MR. GABLE: Thank you. 10 MR. SHAVER: Back in the corner? 11 MRS. GUENDELSBERGER: Susanne 12 Guendelsberger. As far as the fireworks go, we're 13 having them out -- what are the rules for attending 14 to watch them? 15 MR. SHAVER: So this current board was 16 going to say no guests. We have a new board, they 17 can decide how they want to do it. 18 (Applause.) 19 MR. PETERS: So one thing I want to clarify 20 is that when John mentioned that we did not allow 21 people on the beach that day, we had no swim lines 22 up and the beach had not been cleaned. And I can 23 just personally say that as a board member, as a 24 beach member, and as someone who's concerned about 25 everyone's safety, I found a lot of stuff on the 60 1 beach. There was glass, there were pop tops, there 2 was a lot of stuff and debris in the sand. Our 3 staff had literally not been here to start preparing 4 the beach to open because we really didn't know when 5 we were going to be able to open. And as soon as I 6 saw that we had an influx of people down here with 7 no rules, no regulations, no nothing, I actually 8 requested the rest of the board to open the beach 9 for that weekend. And we scrambled very quickly to 10 try and get the swim lines up in one day, the beach 11 cleaned, all the beds, take out all the debris 12 because I don't know how long that debris was there, 13 how long that trash was laying out. And we 14 certainly didn't want anyone coming here and being 15 subject to something that wasn't safe. 16 We took the whole entire wall down here 17 where our staff is sitting. I did it along with my 18 husband and some other volunteers. We completely 19 tore this whole wall down because the bricks were 20 literally falling off on my feet. And I thought the 21 last thing I wanted was for members to come down 22 here with small children. I know the kids like to 23 stand on that wall, they like to play on that wall, 24 and I did not personally want anyone hurt. So I 25 took it upon myself, along with several other 61 1 members, took the entire wall down in two days and 2 put it back up completely. 3 So when I say I volunteered here, I care 4 about everyone, I don't just care about myself, and 5 that is one of the reasons why I do things myself. 6 I didn't do it because anyone asked me, I just saw a 7 need in there and I took it upon myself to get it 8 accomplished way before anyone else would come down 9 here and say, hey we have stones falling out, people 10 are getting hurt, it's dangerous. I don't want to 11 have danger down here, I want to have safety and 12 fun. 13 So that was one of the reason I pushed hard 14 to open it up a week before we actually said we 15 would open it just so that people would be able to 16 come down here and enjoy the beach. Get the swim 17 lines up as fast as possible, and I owe a lot of 18 this to Natalie and our new assistant manager Jolie 19 because they have worked very hard on this limited 20 time frame to get everything up and running. 21 (Applause.) 22 MR. SHAVER: Ron Graham? 23 MR. GRAHAM: I just want to recognize 24 Carolyn's efforts. I was here getting my boat off 25 the beach, I'd just gotten back from Florida, and 62 1 she did a heroic job with two other people taking 2 this wall down and putting it back. And I don't 3 think many people really appreciate how much effort 4 Carolyn and a number of others do on a volunteer 5 basis to help keep this beach going. A lot of us 6 come here and enjoy it and that's about it. So 7 thank you so much for all your volunteer work. 8 (Applause.) 9 The second point I want to make, we were 10 fortunate enough, Marilyn and I, to spend all the 11 COVID time down in Florida on the beach. And it 12 just so happens the beach we were on was ultimately 13 closed. We were there when the Sheriff's vehicles 14 were driving down the beach asking people to leave. 15 And so it was closed and everybody was upset. The 16 local residents were upset. And everybody down in 17 Florida was saying, you know, those people up north, 18 you have got this terrible situation in Michigan, 19 Michigan was in the news all the time. So what did 20 Michigan do? They were criticized, but they took a 21 lot of steps that were very unpopular. Now what's 22 happening in Florida, what's happening in other 23 states where they, in fact, did very little and 24 they're having a big emergence of new cases and now 25 they're having to backtrack a little bit. So my 63 1 point to the new board is, I know you're anxious to 2 open up the beach, I'm very much in favor of doing 3 what we can, but just be careful because we don't 4 want to backtrack and have to close the beach 5 because we have people like they did in Florida who 6 just converged on the beach, didn't social distance 7 although they were told to, and now they have a 8 worse situation than ever. So I'm hoping that we'll 9 have smart, wise people making decisions. Thank 10 you. 11 (Applause.) 12 MR. TOPOUZIAN: Ara Topouzian, just like it 13 sounds. Just a quick question: In regard to 14 safety as far as the water, usually every year you 15 clean the water to avoid swimmer's itch and all that 16 fun stuff. Has that been done yet for this year? 17 MR. LOCKWOOD: It was done today. 18 MRS. WILSON: We can't do a swimmer's itch 19 treatment when the township is not giving out any 20 permits. So officially we did a very strong LT 21 treatment today. Officially, though, no we do not 22 have the ability to do a summer treatment, but we 23 did request to do an LT treatment. That said, if 24 you notice any issues, let the board know. 25 MRS. MURRAY: Val Murray. I just wanted to 64 1 thank the six members of the board. I have been on 2 boards many times, not this one, but it can be a 3 thankless job and sometimes with a lot more 4 criticism than compliments, and this is an 5 unprecedented time in our life, and I think they 6 have acted in the very best interest of the staff 7 and of the residents in not wanting to create more 8 of a problem. So I just want to say thank you to 9 all of you for what you have done. This is a very 10 rare time and I appreciate Carolyn staying on. 11 But one other question: Can we get an 12 update on the lawsuit? 13 MRS. HILL: So my name is Jennifer Hill and 14 I'm an attorney from Secrest Wardle. We have been 15 retained by the insurance company to defend LPA. 16 Right now the matter has been dismissed, but there 17 are currently two motions that are pending and we're 18 just awaiting a ruling from the court. 19 MR. SHAVER: I thought I saw one more hand 20 over here. 21 UNIDENTIFIED: I think we should thank the 22 board for all of your hard work over the last few 23 years. Thank you, very much. 24 (Applause.) 25 MR. SHAVER: Any other new business 65 1 comments? 2 UNIDENTIFIED: Motion to adjourn? 3 UNIDENTIFIED: Second. 4 MR. SHAVER: All those in favor of 5 adjourning the meeting say aye. 6 (All say aye.) 7 MR. SHAVER: Any opposed say nay. 8 (No response.) 9 (Meeting adjourned at 8:34 p.m.) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25